I was invited to a killer party last week at my cousin’s house. I always love going to his parties. They are always while and crazy. Anything goes and anything can happen at his house. When I finally get there, I don’t see him anywhere. Finally after looking for ten minutes, I knew that the real party must have been getting started else where. I finally found him upstairs in one of the bedrooms.
“Hey there” he said “I was wondering when you were gonna get here, come on in, this is the V.I.P room” Before I could even say two words he was handing me a joint and a tray with some coke on it. “Wow” I said “this really is the VIP room. I took a long draw off the joint and used the small straw on the tray to take a big sniff before passing both back to my cousin.
Feeling just a little bit better I looked around and took Inventory of the room. I was a little surprised to see two big black guys sitting on the bed in their underwear. “What the fuck is going on in here?” I asked, trying hard not to laugh.
“Oh these are a couple of friends of mine Tyrone and Terrell. We play ball on the team together at school. And they get me drugs when I need them.”
“OK but why are they in their underwear?” I asked.
“Because we’ve been in here for like an hour blowing lines and smoking and the fucking window is nailed shut so we can’t open it and it’s getting hot as hell in here”.
“Oh I see” I said, noticing for the first time that it was hot as hell. Just then the tray made its way back to me and I took another couple of hits from on the party favors.
I was really starting to few the heat now, it had to be a hundred degrees at least. I decided to take off my shirt, knowing that I had a bra on underneath, and not really caring anyway since I had already seen these guys in their underwear and my cousin wasn’t wearing anything but a pair of basketball shorts. As I took it off I could feel all the eyes in the room on me. I’m not sure if it was the drugs or the alcohol or both but I liked it.
“Nice cuz.” My cousin said, looking me over as I stood there in my skirt and bra.
“You like” I asked, “I’ve been working out.”
“She works out” one of the guys on the bed said.
This drew a laugh from the other guys and I smiled as Ii turned in a circle to give them a better view.
“very nice” said Tyrone, leaning back and putting his hand in his shorts as he looked me over.
“Very very nice” said Terrell. He stood up to take the tray from my cousin and when he did I noticed he had a raging hard on.
Well I knew that I was not going to be fucked my one of these huge black cocks tonight. I had been hit by the train the other night. No way I could take it at the moment. So instead, I offered to blow lines of their cocks. While getting fucked from behind by my cousin. Well let me tell you how my cousin didn’t waste a second slipping his dick in my pussy and fucking me so hard from behind. Not only did I blow the lines. But, of course I had to blow the cock as well.