CUM GET YOUR GREAT SEX! You know how they say a pregnant woman just “GLOWS”? Whoa…whoa…whoa….HOLD ON! NOBODY’S PREGNANT HERE! Just an example folks! So, okay…perhaps a bad example…Let me try it this way…when you’ve had great CUM FUCK sex…I’m not talking about little dew drops of sweat and you feel like singing an opera aria type of great sex.  I’m talking can’t remember your own damn name, stumble while you’re STILL IN THE BED…sounds like you may have suffered a series of mini-strokes, when you CAN finally form words, pound your OWN fucking pussy into submission, squirt cum all over the ceiling…kind of UBER SEX!

A favorite caller told me about this new remote long-distance interactivity toy, called Nora. I know. Say that three times fast. LOL.  It looks just like any automated dildo you’ve ever seen. But, OMG!  There is SUCH A DIFFERENCE with this little beauty! NORA, as I said, is the female side of things. There is a male side named, MAX. These two can be operated alone, or via Bluetooth/WiFi, they can be LINKED to one another. What? Yes. You heard me. Linked. To. One. Another! Now…NOTHING CUMS like Joey while using my baby, NORA! Mentioned yet that if my “partner” in sex isn’t available to play, I can replay a previous session, stroke-for-stroke? YUP!

When I am linked to a partner and he’s “wearing” MAX, I can feel EVERY SINGLE STROKE OF HIS COCK INSIDE ME! I know…UNBELIEVABLE. But, it’s true.  And he can feel every swallow, pulse, and thrust from ME too!  MAX has air chambers that fill when I squeeze my pussy around his “cock” (MAX).  We can’t sure cancer, but we can remotely FUCK OUR BRAINS OUT FROM ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE WORLD!  Thank you, God!  When I heard about it, I couldn’t wrap my brains around this odd, almost Demolition Man kind of cyber-sex, so I went looking. What I found astounded me…still does if I’m to be CUMpletely honest.

He (my partner) strokes to the right, I feel it inside me to my left…He goes deep, NORA’s ball-bearing core thrusts further toward her “tip”, then back down her base to replicate the thrusts he is delivering mightily to me from half a country away! Whoo-hoo. Talk about a backyard party! This kind of joy tames all manner of fucked up feelings about your world on a daily.  Bye-bye fucked up office people, or family members.  Haha.  Easy to understand why there was a huge campaign for our US Military Troops to get enough money together to send a pair (separately, of course to wherever each party current calls “home”) to every member of our armed forces.

Unfortunately, the word didn’t quite seem widespread enough. I know, right?  I’d never heard of this marvel either. They didn’t get enough to send a pair to EVERY military person and their “significant other”. Oh! Did I neglect to mention these beauties can be used with ANY TYPE OF COUPLE!?!?  Yes!  Same sex couples, or hetero couples looking for a little eXXXtra SPICE in their lives can use these toys in differing combos!

Solution to the aforementioned “problem” of not raising enough for every “coupled” service person in our military?  We’ve pretty much all got someone we know and care about over there busting their asses to keep us safe and free to fuck our brains out ANY WAY WE WANT to. This is fucking AMERICA folks!  DIG DEEP!  SEND ONE OF THESE BEAUTIES TO SOMEONE IN THE SERVICE!!!!! Be a mini sponsor. It’s almost the Holidays.  Make plans to send one as a GIFT!

Bottom Line…There are many makers of these life-giving TOYS out there.  Pick the one that best suits your military person and “GIFT IT TO THEM!” Get it today!  Happy searching.  And if anyone needs help, or a “PARTNER IN CRIME” using these. Call me and ask what type I HAVE. Maybe we can play together!   Giggle



[email protected]

*Special thanks to Matt for brainstorming this idea with me.  You’re the BEST! Master idea man.

Check me out on the Dirty on the Thirty PodCast With Veronica and Geri!
