My Special Skills Will Definitely Get Me The Job
When I applied for a job a few months ago, there were many women applicants. I know most of them would be more qualified than I was, but I was determined to get the job. I knew how I was going to get it as well. I’ve been an office slut more than a few times. I find it pays off if you’re willing to really commit to it. The gentleman interviewing me stated outright I lacked the proper experience. I’d gone without wearing panties under my skirt. I had on thigh-high stockings. I leaned back and crossed and uncrossed my legs like in the Basic Instinct scene. He definitely noticed my bare pussy and I could see his pants tighten in the crotch area.
I told him I was “willing to do what it takes” to get the job. He said he understood and said I’d be hearing from him. Only hours later, I got a call. The job was mine. I knew my office slut days were here once again. I didn’t wear panties most days. The staff was mostly male, and I did all kinds of things, from getting coffee to data entry. I made sure to “flash” one of the higher ups at least once a day. It wasn’t long before I was being asked to stay after work. I was happy to do so. It usually would mean a cash bonus in with my pay.
I Pumped His Cock And It Stood At Attention
The one higher up was complaining of his aching shoulders and neck sitting in his chair all day. I told him I could straighten the kinks out. I worked my hands over his shoulders. He must have been enjoying it, since then he pulled his dick out. He stroked it and I asked if he’d like me to take over. I didn’t need to ask twice. He immediately let go of his cock and it was standing at attention. I moved around to the front of his chair and kneeled down on the floor. I pumped it and he asked to see my tits. I’d flashed him my cunt several times, but he had yet to see my tits.
I momentarily stopped pumping his cock long enough to undo my blouse and remove my bra. My nipples were erect, and he reached for one of them and groped my breast. I could tell my breasts pleased him, so I thought he might enjoy an office slut titty fuck. I wrapped them around his throbbing member, and he groaned with delight. His pre-cum was making my tits all slippery. My hard nipples caressed the sides of his shaft as I pumped my tits up and down. He was oozing pre-cum all over my chest and I stuck out my tongue to lick the tip of his cock. I was confident that my oral sex skills were second to none.
I Put My Oral Skills To Work
He was going wild as I played with the tip of his penis with my tongue, swirling it around and around. And He moaned and told me to open wide; he was gonna blow. And blow he did. I got a mouthful of his rich cream. Certainly not my first as a well-used office slut, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last, either. He stayed hard and told me to stand up and bend over the desk. I pulled my skirt up and exposed my bare ass and pussy to him. He sunk cum covered helmet into me balls deep. He grabbed my breasts, squeezing them as he fucked me.
His cock stretched me a bit. He was pretty girthy. I grabbed the edge of the desk to steady myself. An I knew I was going to cum from how he was fucking me. I also wondered how much of a bonus this might mean for me. What a thought to have as I was getting pounded, but hey, I love money. Nothing wrong with that. I could feel an orgasm rising within me and I exploded and screamed. He grunted a few times and let another load into me, flooding my pussy. Oh my. He withdrew his cock and said I was a good fuck before he zipped up and went home. The next night after work, one of the other higher ups requested my presence in his office. I had a feeling I’d do well at this job. It was off to a good start.
Sometimes you have to use all your skills to get a good job.
I love to give the best phone sex.