Cheating Sex stories — Is it cheating if your wife is doing it for you?
Cheating sex stories mostly deal with sneaky, dirty, unfaithful wives. But not this time. This time, she’s doing it to save your job. Thanks to the recent series of layoffs at your workplace, nothing is certain. New house? New Car? And Now this? How will you ever survive it?! When you get the call to report to your bosses office, you think that this is it. But, upon opening the door, you find your wife squatting in front of your boss, sucking with all of her might.
You stare at her as her head bobs up and down in his crotch and he pulls out his review sheet for you.
“Now, Mr. Smith, let’s have a look at your evaluation. As you know, we’ve been downsizing recently. Anyone staying on must display crucial skills that the company needs. Let’s go down the list.” He tut’s as he looks at your score, “Your people skills are…” You watch as your wife starts sucking harder and faster, using those oral sex skills and gorging herself on your boss’s fat, mature cock with loud slurps, “Excellent.” He moans.
But his face turns sad again, “Your work output pretty lo….” You hear your wife choke on his massive member, forcing it down her throat. You see spit on her chin and mascara on her cheeks as she looks up at him. “Acceptable. Though I’m sure you could do more, correct?”
“Y-yes sir,” You respond through clenched teeth.
“Finally, there’s your overall score of…6” your wife climbs up on his lap, facing you, and sinks her pussy onto his cock. She lets out an audible squeal and she accommodates a cock that’s far larger than yours. She pumps. “7…8…” she picks up the pace as his cock hits her womb, “9…”
“Cumming!” she shouts as a stream of pussy juice shoots out of her cunt.
“10!” Your boss grabs her by the tits and there is an unmistakable squelch into her pussy and in your own pants. He sighs, letting her slip off of his cock. “I look forward to keeping you aboard, Mr. Smith.”
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