Masturbating by blackmail

I was really young when I started masturbating. Really young. And I quickly became a bit of an internet whore. I’m sure there are dozens of faceless pictures of my naked body floating around the internet from before I was legally an adult. I used to have phone sex at least 4 times a day with various men, sometimes decades older than me. I’m a bad girl, but there’s something about a little – or a lot – of gray, that’s always turned me on.

I remember one of the first dirty pictures I sent, and the guy emailed me back, saying that someone was watching me. I was confused, so I started looking around, and my pink stuffed bunny was on the bed next to me. The guy, let’s call him Kevin, asked me if I’d ever masturbated with my bunny before. No, I hadn’t, so he asked me to pick something in my room to masturbate with, seeing as I had no toys, and I picked my hairbrush. He called me and told me to lube up the handle of my brush with Vaseline, and stick it all the way into my ass.

I was an anal virgin, so I told him that wasn’t happening.

masturbating over the phone

He got really angry and told me that if I didn’t do it. He’d send the picture of me and my innocent bunny, to everyone on my Facebook. I was so scared – I slowly started inserting the brush handle into my tight little ass – and it hurt! My brush handle was cold and hard. But I was too scared not to.

“Push it all the way in – you have five seconds. I have my finger on the send button to a group chat to all your friends.”

I did and I bit my pillow as I started crying. He made me fuck myself hard with my hairbrush handle, as I cried into my pillow. I heard him cum hard, saying I was off the hook….for now. My masturbating was no longer my own time. And I knew it.

Blackmail Phone Sex

Phone Sex Kingdom Nicole Burke
