BDSM  Sex Stories Made Me Want To Try Playing The Submissive Part

I was reading some BDSM sex stories on an online erotica site and getting quite turned on. My boyfriend walked in and saw what I was looking at on the computer. And h

CJ and BDSM sex stories

e asked if that was something I’d be interested in trying out.He asked if I’d like to play submissive and have him maybe blindfold me. Or tie me up or put a ball gag in my mouth. I kind of blushed a little bit and nodded yes. I haven’t tried that sort of stuff before, but I’ve always been curious to try. And I found this site and was reading a few BDSM sex stories. They really made my pussy wet and throbbing as I read them. I even played with my pussy while I read a few of them.

He said we could start slow and work up to more intense play. And he went to a sex shop and got us a few things to play with. I must admit, I really enjoyed the


anticipation of what he was going to d

o to me. Later that night after dinner we went into the bedroom and he had me lay down naked on the bed .

I Loved When He Called Me His ‘Good Girl”

And he tied me spread eagle and then placed a blindfold on me and he whispered in my ear. “Did reading those naughty, dirty, BDSM sex stories make your pussy all juicy. And craving my dick to fuck you hard while I had you tied up like a little slut?” I swear hearing those words in my ear made me even wetter. And he called me his “good girl”. God I loved it when he called me that, it just made me want to please him so badly.

My cunt lips were wet with moisture and opening on their own, before he even touched me. And he reached his hand down between my legs and slid his middle finger between my lip. He remarked how wet I was, which I already knew before he touched me. He dragged the juices up over my swollen clit. And teased it until I was writing underneath him, seeking my orgasm. He worked and had me practically panting for his cock. I begged him to fuck me, and he finally got on top of me. and I wanted to wrap my arms and legs around him so badly. But he wouldn’t allow it and he slid his turgid cock inside of me. And started to fuck me so hard he was literally grunting. I was on the verge of an orgasms, and he commanded me to cum.

I Could Barely Move But I Came So Hard

It only took a few more thrusts from him before I did. I tensed and came explosively. I was nearly immobilized from being tied, but I could buck my hips up and down. And that motion combined with his thrusts enable me to be able to seek my release. I’d never cum in such a position where I could barely move before. But the sense of powerlessness really turned me on and it was an explosive one. I had an idea that reading those red hot BDSM sex stories was just the beginning. Of a whole new chapter in our sexual relationship, and I was going to like it a lot.

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