BDSM session
Our BDSM session had barely begun and already appearing on my breasts were two “kisses”. Two perfectly symmetrical oval bruises, the size of half dollars, bright red but turning blue slowly.
“A gift”, he says,
Then I realize he is standing behind me, looking in the mirror at me. I cherish the sight of his mark on me, savor the still lingering pain. And I am so happy. I knew those bruises would be there a long time, to remind me that I was his.
Still standing behind me. He reached around me and wrapped the collar around my neck. I smiled, ecstatic. The collar has special meaning for me. It’s mine, and I am his.
He turns me around. Gently kissed and sucked each nipple. Then rubs his fingers lightly across the bruises.

He told me to remove his clothes. Which I did carefully but quickly. All the while I found myself brushing up against his hard penis. I myself was getting unbearably excited. The pain in my breasts had pretty much subsided, so once again it was difficult to concentrate.
When he was left only with his underwear, I knelt down before him to remove them. And then stayed there, looking up at his magnificent manhood.
He knew what I wanted, and smiled at me. He held my head firmly in his hands and guided my mouth toward his penis. I took it eagerly! His smell, his taste, the feel.
Oh, to have him entering me!
I go down on him with all my enthusiasm. His gasps of pleasure were music to my ears. Each indication that I was pleasing him sent a wave of pleasure through me. Every now and then he reached down and pinched my nipples. I increased the tempo in response to my own increasing arousal. I was dripping!
All too soon, he stopped me with a motion of his hand. His breathing was hard and his face was flushed. Then I knew that I had excited Him. I smiled to myself. Proud to be able to have such an effect on him, but of course. But I do not let it show.
He returned to his position on the bed.
And I returned to mine next to him. He told me to get the wrist cuffs out of the toy cabinet and put them on my wrists. I got them. Then struggled to put them on, even though I had done this many times before.
He offered to help me and I was overjoyed! To feel his hands firmly tightening my bonds. Thrills surge throughout me. He is so in control. I felt an urge to drop to my knees but resisted.
Though I would have preferred to have him TAKE control of my body. I knew that to show him the gift of my submission he wanted me to do this myself. So, I stay on my feet and finish putting them on.
Then he told me also to put the ankle cuffs on.
And I managed to do this without help, as much as I would have liked him to bind me. He instructed me to stand at the end of the bed, again.
This time he followed.
He got two wooden bars out of the cabinet, each with metal rings at the end.
The shorter one, about 3 feet long, he attached to the wrist cuffs, each cuff clipped to one of the rings. The longer one (about 4 feet) attached to the ankle cuffs. My legs were spread wide enough to make me feel very exposed, but not uncomfortable.
He lifted the bar between my wrists,
and hung it from a hook in the ceiling, so that I was forced to stand up straight. But I had enough leeway to lean into the bonds without being suspended, keeping my feet flat on the floor.
Then he stepped back and watched me, spread eagle in front of him, and smiled.
“What am I going to do with you now?”
He asked in mock confusion. I had some ideas on the subject, but I didn’t mention them, of course. I knew that he had his own ideas.
That’s when I got, even MORE, I got even more excited thinking about what they might be. First, he stepped forward and caressed my breasts with his warm, firm hands. He caressed me all over, kissing my nipples.
I could feel my juices starting down my thigh.
Then he stepped back to the cabinet and took out the blindfold, and slipped it over my head. He knows I prefer not being able to see. It helps keep me from anticipating. Helps me concentrate on the feelings in my body. On his voice and instructions.
It also means he can get out the toys without my being able to know what he’s going to do. Until I feel what he does it.
Again, he paused, and just as I started to worry. I felt the caress of leather against my belly, many thin strips of leather. Then I recognized that sensation.
He had gotten the cat out to play with his SEX Kitten.
I gasped, both in pleasure at the soft, smooth, almost ticklish feel of the cat rubbing against my skin. And in anticipation of its use.
Of course, he did not disappoint. Momentarily, I felt him pull back His arm. And then felt the familiar sharp sting against my left breast. Knowing His passion for symmetry, I knew exactly where the next blow would fall.

The blows were light, I knew he was warming me up. Unlike the crop, the pain from the cat is sharp and quick; one bite, and then it’s gone.
The skin under the blow got very hot, though. He continued to whip my breasts, for a few more blows, each of them harder than the previous one.
And then He caressed the red, hot, sore skin.
The pain of the blows was delicious, so here, now, all I could think about. I was seeing red behind my eyelids. But even better was the way his hands cooled the hot skin, then, drawing the pain out.
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