Spanking Foreplay Fun For This Submissive Whore

There is nothing more I love than a little bit of Domination every now and then. Truth be told a babe like me does need to be put in her place every once in a while with a good Spanking. So, I figured I would play around and see who I could find to dominate me. I put an ad on Backpages and said that I needed someone who was going to truly take action against me. Someone who actually knew what they were doing and would be able to handle all of my rough edges. I got several replies, most were nothing short of little boys trying to fill themselves into some big boy shoes. One guy in particular did stick out. His email was simple, “You are to be wearing a red dress, I will pick you up at 9.” I could feel the demanding undertone of his voice.

I did not give a reply, he did not ask for one. Sending one would make me a bad little submissive whore. That night I picked out the sexiest red dress I had, It was skin tight and cut midway up my thigh. I made sure to wear sexy red panties to match.  I waited at the address he provided me, I have to admit, meeting up with a stranger to fulfill my bondage needs was making me a little nervous.  When he showed up in his black car, he made me feel at ease. He got out, held the door open, and pressed his hand gently on my lower back to ease me into his car.

It was like he tore a page out of fifty shades or something. He even had a nice little meal prepared for us when we got there. He demanded I hydrate really well. This was something I knew all too well. Just the fact that he suggested hydration meant that he was skilled and knowledgeable in the BDSM lifestyle. This made my pussy wet, and I started to soak my panties just a little. Once dinner was done, I got up and cleared the dishes into the sink. That is when he led the way to the basement door, opening it and then motioning his arm to start the descent into the basement. Normally this would be the part where I turned and ran, but something about him made me feel really at ease.

When I got down there the room had very dim lighting and was perfect for what we were going to do. The room had racks, chains and all kind of torture devises including Iron maidens. He told me to take off my clothing and shoes and leave them at the foot of the stairs. I could tell his whole demeanor changed. I sucked in the lower corner of my lip and did as I was told.  He grabbed the back of my hair and drug me to a table in the middle of the room. I was bent over it, my exposed stomach on the cold metal. I whimpered as he began to shackle my wrist down. He moved to the side of the room. Opening a wardrobe he took out a flogger.

I could smell its leather tendrils over at the table. He rubbed his hand against my ass and without saying a word drew his arm back and spanked me across my bare skin with the toy. I love spanking phone sex, but from all the adult chat we had at the table, I did not think he had it in him. Whack Whack Whack He continued Spanking me. I yipped after each time. He gently placed his hand on my ass again, this time I could feel the heat from my bare ass radiating as he brushed against the fresh welts. “You bruise nicely girl,” he said, his voice was so masculine, I whimpered out “as long as I please you Sir,” like the good little fuck slut I was.

He continued Spanking and taunting me. Edging me to cumming, then demanding that control of me and making me wait. Finally the time had come. I was strapped into the rack at that point, my body resembling an “X”. He came up to me and rubbed his fingers between my slit. I could not help but let out a whimper of pleasure. He brought his cum soaked fingers to my lips “taste your mess,” he demanded. I did, my honeypot was sweet and delicious. He grabbed me by the hips and I could feel the tip of his cock pushing against the entrance of my ass hole. He grabbed onto my blonde hair and pulled against it with every thrust digging deeper into my ass. When he came he filled me up, and made a creampie mess out of my butt. After he released my wrist I fell to the floor with exhaustion.

“We are not done yet Trysta,” He said grabbing me firmly under the chin. He shoved his shit covered rod into my mouth forcing me into cock sucking it clean. Then like the good little bitch I was I licked the cum droplets from the floor that had managed to escape my ass. I did not want to waste any of his cum, I valued it so! He patted me on the head like I was his pet and then told me I was free to get cleaned up and dressed now, first motioning to the bathroom off on the other side of the basement and then over to the pile of clothes in the corner. Again, I did as I was told, like a good little whore.


I love a good spanking and all kinds of Fetish Phone Sex


