Kathy stood in the doorway, looking me up and down incredulously. Picture this: me having fallen back into the tub legs and pussy in the air, guilty as hell. “Well, that makes this whole thing easier”, she said, taking off her top and kicking her pants across the floor. I looked at her outfit, leather corset and black crotchless panties. Would have stared at her forever if she had not stormed over to me and grabbed a handful of hair, yanking me from the tub and pulling me to the main room. I knew that our sex games had begun as quickly as that.
She pulled out a kit and mentioned she had so many toys to punish me with. Of course, I was immediately alarmed! We did say one sex toy, after all! But she had been sneaky, buying a BDSM bundle as her one item. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs and beckoned for me to comply with her kinky games. I thought about protesting, but I felt I owed her something. I put my hands behind my back and let her lock my wrists in place. She swirled me around and next thing I know, my left nipple burst out in a shocking like pain. I cried out and looked down to see a clamp pressed down of my pink bud through the netting. I was about to call time out when she pinched the second one on.
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She grabbed my head and pushed me to my knees. She berated me for a while about being a naughty girl and supplied a double-sided dildo from under the couch. That piece was hers. I found it 3 months into our living arrangement. I had a feeling that our ideas on college sex games were on two very different levels. Trying to think of a way to calm the situation down, I felt the dildo smack me on the side of the cheek. I was about to say “no” when the dildo was forced into my mouth and hit the back of my throat.
She started jerking it back and forth, one hand full of hair and the other on the toy. I tried to use my hands to pull it away, but when I reached up, she would shove it down my throat hard enough to gag me. I was stuck playing her kinky games and it was time to admit this. Relaxing my face and let her fuck it with the dildo.
Wondering how I got here? Look at Part One.
She instructed me to keep it in my mouth and to not stop sucking it unless I was told. After all, I obviously was a depraved slut who couldn’t wait for her to get a good fucking. I did as I was told, greedily sucking on the toy like I never wanted anything else. She disappeared behind me and I felt a thud on my ass. A stinging sensation filled my ass cheeks as I cried out, cock in my mouth, and whimpered. She reminded me the punishment would be worse if the toy left my mouth for even one second. Then, there was another thwack! Drool dripped down the toy as it muffled my screams.
I felt the paddle rub against my dripping pussy. Tantalizing, cold and hard pressing against my clit. I had never seen this side of her, but I had a new feeling about these sex games. This was going to be a while and she was going to make sure I paid for breaking my promise. The only thing I wondered? How bad would this get? Find out on my erotic blog, next week!