Yes, you read the title right babe. A little fact you may not know about your Sexy Nympho MILF Fallon, is I’m going to open Mistress Fallon’s School of Sluts. Why do you ask? No, you didn’t ask. Because like me, you know there is a lack of slutty little whores ready to suck, fuck & get freaky as hell. Well no worries you sexy motherfuckers, nonetheless, I gotcha backs and fronts. Found the coolest Château tucked in the mountains for my pretty little sluts in training. In fact, my School of Sluts will provide any and all sexual fantasies and fetishes for all my favorite perverts. That means you, honey! Come on, you know there’s no holds barred with me. Just a twisted, vulgar Goddess who needs to indulge in my own sexual perversions. To be frank, this seems the safest and sexiest way possible.
At the present time, we’re searching for slutty students for Mistress Fallon’s School of Sluts.
To be sure the Château is packed with prime meat, we must become creative in this search for sluts. So Frankie and I put our bikinis on and hit Florida beaches, colleges, and orphanages for young beauties. There’s no shame in my game. What you’ll expect to see in my School of Sluts are gorgeous females…tall, short, blondes, brunettes, redheads, big tits, little tits, bubble butts. Plump lips that will suck the cum right out ya balls! And flawless juicy pussy’s to do with as you wish. I’m looking for strong girls that we can break down. Corrode their brains with nothing but lessons of hardcore sex to please my clients!
So fucking stoked! Frankie and I found us some young gorgeous sluts…
To emphasize, just wait until you see the hotties we found…drugged…taken. In either case, the specifics don’t matter, right? Obviously, I’m willing to tell you in Hot Phone Sex. Significantly, we’ll be presenting the sweetest pussy and ass for your sexual desires. Now’s the big test boyz…are they even fucking worthy of being one of my pristine whores? I’m not about to waste my time on young girls who’ve been used and abused. That’s for us to do, haha! Oh yeah, wicked I am. No fucks given to feed your Risqué MILF Experience.
Admissions for Mistress Fallon’s School of Sluts, let the fun begin!
Surprisingly this was a rigorous test on my soon-to-be sluts. Focusing on the girls we can break the easiest. Making them endure lots of mind fuckery and spankings. I know y’alls minds are racing, wondering what Franks and I had our slutty students do to prove their worth. First of all, we had our hopefuls dance on a stripper pole, then obviously taking it all off! This took place in the Great Hall of the Château. These girls were fed Jack & Coke…not the soda either. Wow, they were amazing, those sexy young, tight butts shaking in our face. Shaven pussy’s dancing around us, as they felt themselves up, fuck! These girls were extremely seductive before any lessons. What bought their acceptance into the School of Sluts? If they got us wet of course!
Call me to learn about our promising sluts brutal admissions test!