Porn Addiction – I Can’t Wait To Get Home And Get Off
I recently realized my porn addiction when I was out with my friends. We had originally planned to go out shopping together for new winter boots. But every time we walked past a big, strong, athletic type of guy I couldn’t help but think about my favorite porno. I found it just searching the web one night looking for some real sex. I always end up having the best adult chat when the scenario is just like real life.
The thing that really gets me wet is the way this guy operated his cock. I loved how he was so well endowed. He could just grasp his cock and grind it all over her pussy however she liked and he stays hard as a rock, which is every woman’s dream. When he starts popping in it and out you can really see her pussy start to drip. Such an insane turn on for me-the tease.
This is where the big, strong, athletic type always fits its way into my porn addiction
I love watching a guy pick up a girl (or a guy) and fuck them standing up. The amount of strength and sheer COCK power amazes me and makes me want to cum even harder. I love watching real couples caught outside having crazy rough sex. I’ve been there before and I know how horny these couples must be. Having to just fuck right out in the open because they can’t stand it any longer. I like thinking about secretly having phone sex while I’m in public, which explains why I need to mention my next porn addiction:
Groping. I love groping porn where a man just rubs his throbbing cock against a woman or another man’s ass while they’re out in public. I love watching a massive cock just getting teased against the back of a skirt. OR even better, going for a full-on blow job or fuck in public on the back of the bus. I get insanely turned on by couples that need to get nasty no matter where they are. I can’t wait to hear what your porn addiction is let’s enjoy it together.
read my last blog about my cuckold pleasures here:
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