I Am Pagan.
You may never have guessed that I’m pagan. Yes, I’m a witch. Not like you see on tv, of course. My brand of paganism is nature based spirituality and while it may seem weird that I am writing this on the phone sex blog, stick with me and you will understand. Sexuality can be a big part of the craft. And practicing can heighten your sexual experience. Even just grounding and centering can get you to the mindset for an amazing orgasm!
Just think of being in nature, completely in tune with your environment. Feeling connected to the Goddess and the God. Feeling their energy running through your body as you touch one and another and get to know each other’s bodies as if for the very first time. The earth mother and the horned god, they come together with an elemental energy that you could never even imagine!
Roleplay, not your forte? Well then let me walk you through your very first lesson. Pagan phone sex 101 is obviously me showing you how to pull in the good energy and release the bad, freeing yourself up to our experience together so you have no distractions when we come together (and cum together)! Feel me close to you as I teach you how to draw me to you. We can be so connected that you can almost feel my breath across your skin, practically feel my touch. Sounds amazing right?
Well this pagan sex goddess can do this and more for you, with you and to you!
I can help you get deep into yourself to unlock the ways that you are restraining your own pleasure and let loose those bonds!
I’m getting shivers just thinking about the hot phone sex we could have with this! And I can give you some of my true sex stories too! I have experience and I want to tell you everything!