Sex-chronicles are sort of my thing at this time of year, but it’s in no way contained to the fall.  I used to travel from France to the U.S., specifically to attend the Octaroon Ball every year.  There, mixed-cultured women in Louisiana intermingle with French and Spanish men.  The ritual of Plaçage (mixed-race descents) intermingling with caucasian men, dates back to the mid-seventeen hundreds.

I’m accepted at the ball because, my father being full-blooded Native American Comanche.  All of the men cum from the wealthiest local families; and ALL are looking to wed.  But, that’s NOT why I attend. I come, for the CUM!  Yes!  I said it.  We ALL know that men love a little cross-over sex.  Like sinking you dick into a sweet, brown meat?  I know you do!

So, when I tell you the men cum crawling from the woodwork, I’m not kidding.  Therefore, the sex-chronicles are all about the Ball. No kidding; it’s like a bible of Plaçage.  And the carnal activities begin right away!  I know, when I said Ball, you thought of Cinderella.  Well, close, this one involves nothing, but sin!

The debauchery involves sucking, fucking, poking and prodding; and it’s ALL delicious.  The most freedom one can ever achieve is through carnality; so, just let it all go!  Finger that pussy and ass.  Fuck the woman of your dreams, then slink back through the woods.  The lust lingers until the next opportunity to partake of the STILL taboo practice of mixed-race-fucking.

Want a true-to-life playback of the Sex-Chronicles?  Let’s play Master and Mistress and you can hear me CUM like we’re in a backroom at the ball!  I’ll take you to the edge of lusty insanity with my tales!

Don’t Roam The Backwoods Alone!


Call Me When You’re Lost! Giggle

