One of my fuck buddies is a sick Hardcore Sex Stories bastard! You’ll never guess what he did to me, God, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Hardcore Sex Stories are fun but this was was unexpected. I was out late and this guy grabs me from behind while I was trying to unlock my car. He yanked my hair back so I couldn’t see who it was. In a low whisper told me to keep my mouth shut.
I was going to hit him but I felt something sharp against my neck and knew he was holding a knife. I’m too pretty for that so I nodded and kept quiet as he dragged me to his car and threw me in the front seat. He tied a blindfold over my eyes, tied my wrists together with rope and slid the knife down my throat before starting the car.
Hearing the doors click as he locked them and I asked him what he was doing, what did he want with me. I was scared shit-less because I thought it was a stranger but when he said: “I want that tight little pussy of yours.” I knew it was Eric. Playing dumb I started sniffling as I told him to let me go, please, I won’t tell anyone. I promise.
My pussy tightened at the thought of Hardcore Sex Stories.
There was a dull ache as he yanked on my hair and told me to shut up. I scrunched up against the door, acting afraid and cried loud enough for him to hear me. We drove for ages and I had no idea where he was taking me because of the blindfold. When we finally stopped I stayed still, waiting for him to make the next move.
I heard him get out then practically fell out of the car when he opened my door and he grabbed my arm. He pulled me out and I fell on the ground which made him call me a dumb bitch and he kicked my leg. He shoved me onto my back and I could feel dirt under me. It was quiet so we were somewhere outside but far away from the city.
Wiggling around, I tried to move away from him and he grabbed my hips, pulling me towards him. He started playing with my jeans and I kicked him while doing a quiet scream, trying to make him stop. My heart pounded as he pressed the knife into my cheek and said if I did that one more time he’d cut me wide open. Talk about Hardcore Sex Stories!
He pressed the knife in me and it left a scratch so I settled down.
He went back to my jeans and yanked them off, making my sandals fall off too. It was cold and I shivered as he used the knife to cut off my panties. He then slammed the knife beside my head, sticking it in the dirt then shoved his dick in me.
It went in hard and I gasped as it ripped me open. I’m not used to forcing sex stories and I wanted to curl up but couldn’t because he was pinning me down and pounding me. My pussy felt like it was on fire as he fucked me and my ass rubbed in the dirt. I got a bit noisy and he put his hand on my mouth. He tried keeping me quiet as his dick went in deep and fast. Screaming against his hand he grunted on top of me. He must have loved raping me because it didn’t take him long to cum.
He pulled out of me and I was waiting for him to help me up but all I heard was him driving off. I rubbed my wrists raw as I tried to untie them and it was so humiliating having to walk home alone after that.