My Feet are so damn sexy

 I love men with feet fetishes. I don’t think its weird at all I find it sexy. It’s so hot that I can control a guys cock with my feet. I have always heard about guys with fetishes but until a couple of years ago I have never actually met anyone. I would always talk to this super attractive guy online, he is married a couple of kids, about the same age as me. He started asking for me pictures, but not pictures of my tits or my pussy, but of my foot. At first, I kind of giggled at thought it was a little silly, but I liked it.

I was always taking pictures of them and saving them for him. Every time I would get a pedicure I would take a little mini photo shoot. I would take some with my foot in the water, or with my feet being rubbed, and of course, painted. If I knew I would be talking to him and didn’t have time for a pedicure I would just put on a fresh coat of paint myself. He tells all the time that summer is so much but he walks around with a boner most of the time because there are so many beautiful foot out there. There are so many feet in sexy sandals in the summer too.

I will take pictures of them in all sorts of sexy shoes and sandals.

I have really high arches so will put them together and take sexy pictures of them. His favorite pose is when I am in my car and put my feet up on the steering wheel and put my arches together so he can imagine sliding his cock in-between  them. I would love to wrap my soft feet around a cock and stroke it. I love my feet rubbed I would let a man do that all night. Oh my and letting a man suck on my toes feels so good and makes my pussy so wet. Sometimes for my special friend, I will put my suction cup dildo on my headboard and wrap my feet around it and fuck it with my feet and send him little video clips.

I love teasing him with my sexy foot. Having the control of his hard-on with my pretty toes. I love it when he cums to my sexy foot. All women have pussies but they do not all have sexy feet damn I am a lucky girl. Call me if you want me to full-fill your foot fetish fantasy.

Would you like to read more Foot Fetish stories? Check out this one!

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