I love being a coffee shop cum-slut…

I’m waiting in a coffee shop for you. Underneath my grey pencil skirt and sweater is the checked lingerie set you instructed me to wear. As I sip my coffee, anticipation builds within me and starts to moisten your pussy. Though our meeting will be short today, I know it will be ever so sweet to be your coffee shop cum-slut. You arrive and order your drink to go. This will be sexier than when I was Santa’s Sexy Therapist.

As you come to sit by me, you whisper in my ear for me to run to the ladies and remove my panties for you. I do so of course like the good girl I am. After I return to the table you hold out your hand with a smirk. Being a good coffee shop cum-slut I place them in your hand without missing a beat. We sit for a moment, chatting about life and work before you rise to head back to your car. I follow and get into the passenger side before we drive up to a secluded spot over Lookout Mountain.

After we have parked, you unzip your trousers…

I get onto my knees in my seat. I know what I am to do and ask if I may please suck your wet cock for you. You nod and I do my best job of licking up your sweet precum, savoring each drop of it. You reach and pull up my skirt a bit to expose my bare pussy to anyone who might pass by my window. I know it’s growing wetter with each stroke of my mouth on your thick cock. You stroke my hair aside so you can watch your coffee shop cum-slut..

I know you won’t give me more than I can but take but rather push me right to my limit. As a good coffee shop cum-slut, I want every drop. You pull me off and kiss me roughly before instructing me to sit on your cock and ride you. I do as I am told and climb on top of you. I grip the seat behind you and start to move up and down squeezing my pussy as I do. I’m so wet for you I moan softly in your ear.

You grip my coffee shop cum-slut ass…

Pulling me onto your cock and pinching my ass when I go too slow or too fast. Guiding me to the speed you want today. It feels so good my back arches and I push my chest towards you. Without hesitation, your mouth finds my breast and bites my nipples through my thin bra. I know I don’t have permission to cum yet and do my best to hold it back. You tell me I’m being such a good little coffee shop cum-slut for waiting.

You instruct me to really fuck you but do not cum until you say. I bounce my tight pussy up and down, knowing that I can reach the edge but not pass it. Your hands are wandering, pinching, and soothing. Overloading my senses, giving me no more than you see I can take. As you near your climax you mouth my mouth to yours and growl cum for me before shooting your hot cum into me. My orgasm flows through my body like a rocket. Sending pleasure to all my nerve endings and I cream all over your trousers. You tell me what a good little girl I was for you and assure me you brought another pair. You pull my panties from your pocket to plug me up so I may be reminded of who I belong to. I am your coffee shop cum-slut.

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