I am a little cock tease. Always have and always will. My goal in bed is having you leak pre cum till you literally can not take it anymore and fuck me rough. It always starts with an inviting smile. A sweet young Latina smiling at you. Making eye contact and making you feel like you’re the only men she cares about at that very second. I’ve been told I have a very sexy smile, so I always use it, and it always pays off. Once I get your attention I will get you all to myself. Obviously it all depends where I am at but I stop at nothing when I want your cock. Any private area will do. That’s when the fun begins.

Being alone with me will get your heartbeat rising, I assure you. I will smile even more, giggle, and make sure I am really close to you. Touching your arm, touching your chest, touching your inner thighs. I want you to make the first move, and a kiss will do. When you kiss me you’ll never forget it, in fact that will only make you crave me more and more and in time due I am willing to give  you all of me.

We will kiss passionately. We will do it a lot. I want your tongue to massage mine as touch my body. Your hands sliding up and down my tight young body. Make your way to my perky tits. I never wear a bra. I will rub your cock while your gently lick my neck. My pussy will be already wet, but you won’t know yet. I will kneel right in front of you while calling you papi. Caress your cock over your pants with my hands, even with my face. You anxiously are going to pull your pants down and you think I am just going to pull your cock out but I won’t. I will lick your cock over your briefs. Make you feel my hot breath on your hard dick over that soft fabric. I want to taste your pre cum through that thin fabric. I want to suck it and savor it.

Tell me papi, how long would it take you for you to turn me around and fuck me hard?

Cock Tease Phone Sex




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