Jen’s Blind Date Was A Jerk Off

I was really excited about this blind date that my roommate had set me up on. She said that he was a friend of a friend. He had a great job and was handsome. He lived alone and was looking to start dating and possibly a committed relationship. Perfect right? The night of the date I was so nervous because I had never been on a blind date before. I had heard horror stories from other people’s experiences and the whole thing just made me into a ball of nerves. I hope the guy is not a jerk off. I tried to pick the perfect outfit: cute little black dress, black strap high heels, nylon stockings, and cute gold bracelet that I got from the outlet mall. I also made sure to spray perfume in all “the right places”, especially in my panties….you never know how a date will go.

When I met him at the restaurant I was struck by how much more good looking he was than on his pics. He looked Superman. The Christopher Reeves Superman, not the other generic guys. He had the curl in the front and everything! I wanted to text my roommate so and tell her what a great job she had done. This was going to be a great night!

We talked about EVERYTHING. It just seemed like we had so much in common. He went to catholic school all of his life like me, he loved to go to the movies and talk back at the screen like me. He even admitted to being a Harry Potter junkie like me! It was truly the perfect date. So when the time came for him to drop me off at my place I was more than ready to invite up to my place.

As I was about to invite him up he told me that he had something else in mind. Judging from how the date had gone I just knew that whatever he had planned was going to be awesome!!!! He told me to close my eyes and count to 10 and to keep my hands on my lap. I thought it was a weird request but, he was the perfect guy sooooo.

I followed his orders and when I got 10 I opened my eyes and turned to face him in the car. He had his cock in his hand and he was enjoying a really fast jerk off session. His eyes were closed and he was biting his lips and moaning. I was so shocked. I was definitely not expecting to see that! The pre-cum had already begun to ooze from his throbbing cock. He finally opened his eyes and just stared at me as he continued to jerk off.

He was being turned on by the fact that I was so shocked. When my mouth dropped from the surprise his pre-cum started dripping out. I asked him why he was doing it and he said it was because I was so hot that he couldn’t control himself. As I tried to leave the car because (what else was I suppose to do?) He grabbed me with his free hand and began to jerk off his cock until he exploded all over my hand. He came so hard that some of his jizz landed on my chest.

The best date had turned into the weirdest experience ever! I called told my roommate what happened and we laughed all night! Wow sometimes my life truly amazes me!!!!

Have you had any really weird blind dates? Our Phone Sex Girls would love to hear about it.


