I’m such a slut for black cock white wife scenarios.
I know your dick is getting stiff at the mere thought of a hot black cock white wife fuck, isn’t it? Don’t deny it. I know you’ve been fantasizing about seeing me with a big fat juicy black cock for a long time now. I notice that all of the porn you watch has a theme. Hey, I don’t blame you. Nothing is hotter than watching a beautiful white woman get stretched open by a massive black anaconda. It seems like you’re wanting more than just a porn view though, aren’t you?
You know what they say though baby. Be careful what you wish for. Tell me, what do you see happening in the aftermath of a hot black cock white wife fuck? Do you imagine it’ll be one and done? You see, life rarely works that way, especially where big black cock is concerned. There’s a very good reason why they say once you go black, you never go back. Don’t worry, you’re about to find out first hand. Luckily for me, you’re so busy working most of the time that you have no real clue what I’m really up to.
It’s time for all of that to change. Tonight is the night that your black cock white wife fantasy is going to come to life. I’m not warning you though, it’s a complete surprise when you walk through the door. The sounds of moans greet you as you walk in. You’re not sure what’s going on, but you feel your dick twitching in your pants. At first, you think it’s me watching a porn but then you’re not too sure. The sounds are so loud and sound a little too close and a lot too real.
Push open the bedroom door and feast your eyes on the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
I’m on all fours, my perky ass up in the air and my big tits bouncing. The sounds of my ecstasy come out as uncontrollable moaning and panting. Best of all, there is a massive black cock sliding in and out of me. My entire body is rocking from the force of his thrusts and you can hear the sound of his balls slapping up against me. Of course, we don’t stop when you walk into the room. You wanted a real-life black cock white wife fantasy well you’ve got it baby.
Come closer and get a better look at what you’ve been craving. How does it look? Doesn’t that big thick black cock look incredibly buried so deep in my juicy pink pussy? His cock seems like it was made just for me, don’t you agree? Every inch of that big dick is thrusting in and out of me, making me cum over and over again. You’ve never been able to make me squirt like he does, or even moan like I am now. Since we’re being honest, you can’t even give me real orgasms. God, I am so fucking tired of having to fake it with you.
Why should I even bother fucking you if I’m only going to finish myself off later when you can’t get the job done? Why should you get off when I’m not? Well, those days are over. As you can see, he is definitely making me cum, over and over and over again.
Get used to what you’re seeing because this is only the beginning.
It’s time for you to grab your things and head to the guest room, or the couch. I don’t really care which, as long as you’re out of here. This bed belongs to me and my hot black lover now. He’s a real man, that understands how to satisfy me, unlike you. Get used to how low on the totem pole you are now. If you’re a good boy, I just might let you lick the cuckold creampie out of me when we’re done. Don’t expect it to be anytime soon though. He has actual stamina unlike you. Hey, you wanted a real-life black cock white wife fantasy and now you’ve got it. Don’t start whining like a bitch because you got what you asked for. Deal with it, you little dick white boy loser.
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