My bad neighbor has some friends in neighborhood watch..

My bad neighbor had been looking for any reason to get me in trouble! Even when I was little, he was very pissy and got easily annoyed at the smallest things, like when I’d accidentally toss a frisbee over the fence and had to go ask to get it. Soon enough, I’d stopped even asking. I wouldn’t tell him a thing, I’d just wait for him to be busy with something else and I’d hop the fence to get it back. My mischief streak started and took off very quickly, as I didn’t like him at all! He was a mean old man, but very nice around my parents, and half the neighborhood seemed to like him. He was even part of the neighborhood watch, which meant that I had to deal with sneaking around him late at night when I broke curfew to sneak out with my friends. One night, it didn’t go as planned.

I was all dressed up in my little black cowgirl boots and some ripped cut-off jeans, and of course I was showing off a little early cleavage. The girls and I were going to spend some time at the lake, with a little makeshift bonfire that we’d all gotten texted about. I just had to make it to the end of the street and hide for a few minutes, and one of their older brothers would come pick me up..but as soon as I made it twenty feet from my house, a big flashlight blinded me. I was stuck like a deer in headlights!
“Kali? What are you doing? Are you sneaking out or something?”
Damnit! It was that old bat doing his rounds! I was caught red handed, but to my surprise, he didn’t immediately grab me and start heading towards the door. No, instead, I saw a wicked little smile paint on his face. “You don’t want me to tell your parents, do you?” he scoffed, and I immediately shook my head. “Very well then. We won’t tell, if you don’t.” I was confused at first, but I wasn’t going to start a scene within earshot of my parents. If I started screaming and yelling, and throwing a fit, I’d be caught red handed sneaking out, and he could just cover that up easily!

He dragged me down the street to one of the backyard sheds. Within minutes, some of the other guys in the Neighborhood Watch had arrived, including one of my mom’s close friends, Natalie. I thought for sure I could get her to let me go, considering how much time she spent over! But no, she wasn’t on my side that night. She even seemed a little excited.
“You see, Kali, we have had lots of problems with the kids sneaking out, sometimes pulling pranks on us or vandalizing our houses. You’re not one of those troublemakers, are you?” What kind of question was that? Of course I was going to say no, even though I had snuck out a few weeks ago and made sure the high school boys knocked over his mailbox out of spite.. But even if I’d protested and claimed I was a good girl, he wasn’t buying it. “Well, we’re going to make sure you don’t sneak out again, or we’ll do all of this to you again.”
Immediately, two of them grabbed my hands, zip-tying them behind me and pulling me up against the picnic table. They yanked my shorts down, exposing a little black and pink thong that I’d meant to show off to one of those high school boys tonight.. but it looked like he wouldn’t get to be the first one to see it after all. My bad neighbor cracked a smile, coming close enough to slip his finger underneath, right between my pussy lips, and then smack his hand against my ass hard enough to leave a handprint.
“I knew you’d turn out to be a little slut!” he sneered, grabbing it roughly and then smacking it with his other hand. He didn’t like me whimpering and struggling against the ties, so he kept smacking, finally bringing his hand up to my mouth and yelling at me to shut it.
“The harder you scream..the harder I’ll fuck.” He dropped his pants, and I went stiff against him, but as soon as I felt the head of his cock against me, the fight was over. He won, flicking the head against my clit and tempting me with what he was about to do.. With all my other neighbors watching, even one of my mom’s closest friends, I knew no one would believe me. I had to sit there and let my bad neighbor fuck me as hard as he wanted. The more I struggled, the deeper he went! Looks like the high school boys didn’t get their first dibs after all..

Come play with me.

Taboo Phone sex with Kali
