From innocent hangout to glory hole adventure

Megan is the shy girl in our friend group. A few of us college girls live in the same building, so we often hang out. She would listen intently as the rest of us gossiped about our sex experiences. Hot and steamy details about our nights sucking big cocks, playing with cum, getting stretched out, and sharing cocks. Her legs shifted as we went into detail. We looked at her and mentioned that she’s never around when we play with boys. A few of the girls really pushed her asking why and teasing her. “Megan needs to go on a glory hole adventure!”, the girls giggled.

Cocks getting us all excited

It turned me on so much to watch her squirm. The girls continued teasing her and soon began groping her. The truth is she was incredibly turned on as we talked about cock and confronted her. It was clear she was a horny girl, but she tried her best to keep to herself. I couldn’t help but imagine guiding her into the sinful life of sex. Turning her into a complete cum obsessed slut. Clearly, she’s submissive, so I can probably get her to do anything. The thing is, I know that she’ll like it too.

My turn to play

I walked right up to Megan and brushed the cock obsessed nymphs away. My hand slid from between her thighs slowly up to her chin. “You’re a horny little slut aren’t you?” I whispered as I hooked my thumb in her mouth. She looked up at me and nodded. “Then you are going to follow me like a good girl and get that cock you need.” Her eyes lit up like she was an addict and I had her drug right in front of her. I had the spot in mind. A dingy little adult book store known for its glory hole adventures.

In a horny haze, we arrived

Megan was so excited to see it. Perfectly lined rows of cocks, vibrators, and plugs of all sizes. The sleazy cashier hitting on her. The bondage wall really got her imagination going and her pussy throbbing. Truly she was a kid in a candy shop. As she was in a trance looking at pocket pussies, I slid my arm around her side and down to squeeze her ass. Then, I leaned into her neck and softly said, “You’re going to be the pocket pussy today.”

Next, I grabbed her arm meanwhile I guided her to the back. The cashier knew me, I often brought sluts and sissies in for glory hole adventures. On our way, a sissy slut was doing the walk of shame out of the back room. Pure ecstasy on their face, makeup running, and cum leaking. So far, Megan has been an innocent slut. Few boyfriends, and some vanilla sex, but we both know she needs to be used.

Meeting the cocks in the back

Then, we turned to the left and walked up the ramp to video booths. There were quite a few guys hanging out near the viewing rooms. I could feel them all eye fucking us when we passed by them. The booths were small and dimly lit. We went into the closest open room. I pointed out the holes in the walls where the cocks will come in then told Megan to remove all her clothes. Once they were on the ground, I stood back and told her to get to work.

In the tiny room, she was able to fit a cock in her mouth and one in her pussy. She knelt down and began stroking the first cock that slid into a hole. I grabbed her ponytail and aggressively guided her on getting properly throat fucked. Simultaneously, a big cock popped into the other wall, so I picked up her little ass and positioned her. She naturally wiggled right into a little spit-roasted fuck toy. Finally, I can sit back and watch.

We can do all kinds of kinky roleplays 😉 And I LOVE playing with other girls too!! Let’s cum together!


Phone Sex Kingdom Nicole Burke

