Soft Sweet Kisses Up And Down Your Spine

Soft sweet kisses up and down your spine, putting your every neuron at attention.  Releasing endorphins and flooding you with serotonin and dopamine.  Let me enhance your mood and fire off every sensory organ in your body.  I promise I will not bite; unless you tell me to.

Please Balance My Throat Chakra

Lately, I have been feeling timid and shy.  Social anxiety has become a rampant theme in my life.  I have never felt so indecisive and had so much difficulty with expressing my thoughts.  Please permit me to get on my knees and offer soft sweet kisses up and down your scrotum.  Stick your manhood down my esophagus and cause my larynx to rebalance its frequency.  My throat chakra is out of balance and giving you head is a more rapid remedy than seeing a reiki healer.

Give me something to write about.  Only then will I know that my throat chakra has been realigned.  Your magic stick will make me hum and the yoga pose I do as you slide your train in my station will surely reset this imbalance.  I will make fishy faces, put myself in the Plow and Fish pose, or maybe even a Shoulder Stand.  Please!  Pretty please, balance my throat chakra by letting me turn these soft sweet kisses into the ultimate blow job.  Delete my throat, gosh darn it!

I Love You

Love me today.  Love me tomorrow.  Come here and lay one on me.  I will pucker up those pouty lips of mine and sink into your warm embrace.  Get lost with me in these soft sweet kisses.  Allow them to trickle down your spine and fill you with an anointing so grande you would swear God himself delivered it.  Kiss me softly, sweetly, and endearingly.

Locking our lips to taste one another’s chi.  Inhaling your essence and you mine.  It is so bad, I even love your morning breath.  Smooch with me from the moment you open your eyes, and I will send that love right back to you when I wake.  Send me soft sweet kisses and I will return the love ten-fold.  Show me how you really feel, and never let me question it.  Not for a second shall you leave me wavering in confusion for your soft sweet kisses told it all.

Play A Kissing Game

Cum play with me here on The Phone Sex Kingdom “Where Class Meets Kink.”  Lift your hand to your lips and kiss it as if it were my flytrap closing because I caught you.  Make that smooching noise in the phone.  Ignite your very own senses as if I were sending soft sweet kisses up and down your spine.  No better yet, down mine.  Peck, smack, smooch, and pop those lips some more.  Get freaky with it and use your tongue.  I like that.

Pucker up, Stud Muffin!  You are in for some hot phone sex.  I will teach you everything you need to know about soft sweet kisses and share my first forbidden kiss with you.  Heads up, he was an authority figure at school and not my age.  I hope you taste as good as the Gingerbread Man.

Phone Sex Kingdom Nicole Burke
